A Letter From Paul Little aka Max Hardcore
Whether I agree with this dudes brand of *Entertainment* is neither here nor there. The issue is.....he shouldn't have went to jail for something two consenting adults agreed to do. Obscenity laws go too far. So, it's cool for The Authorities to say what we as adults can watch, rent, or participate in? I think not.

A Letter From Prisoner #44902-112 (Paul Little aka Max Hardcore)
Greetings friends and fans,
I’m sorry that I haven’t contacted everyone before this late date, but recent extraordinary events have overwhelmed me, and rendered me incapable of anything but defensive actions. This is actually the very first opportunity that I have had to sit down and collect my thoughts in sufficient quantity and clarity to justify writing to you at all. I hope you are all in the best of health, and free to move about your world without having to ask permission to do so.
I want to assure you that physically I feel great, as I’ve made some very positive changes in my life, ridding myself of the grip that cigarettes and alcohol have had on my health and well-being. I must confess that I had little choice in the matter because I am presently incarcerated in a federal prison, but these are changes that will help me regain my health and renew my spirit and ultimately emerge from this prison a better man.
Some said it was inevitable that I should pass through here someday, because I’ve always had a problem with authorities telling me what I can and cannot do – but it still seems surreal that I’m in here not for what Paul Little did as a person, but for what the fictional character Max Hardcore did in a movie. Movies that no one was forced to watch (well, except inside a federal courthouse), movies that we as adults in this country ostensibly have the freedom to enjoy or ignore.
The authorities have finally jailed me on the incredibly vague and subjective crime of “obscenity”. Of course, the United States government took it upon itself to order and scrutinize these films despite the fact that no one in the community where I was tried had complained about them. It was clear at my trial that none of the jurors from Tampa Bay had ever seen anything like my videos, but those same people have decided what adults all over this country and, by extension, all over the world can watch in the privacy of their homes. And these films were presented to this jury not in their entirety, but in a way crafted by a judge concerned primarily by perceived “demeaning treatment” in the movies, including the use of “harsh and abusive language” as directed toward certain female actresses in a small number of my movies. Seems strange that an administration that condoned real torture would be so shocked and concerned about “demeaning treatment” and “harsh language” between consenting adult actors in a fictional film, but that’s what happened…
Amazingly, the jury went along with the whole government program, as I now know they almost always do, and convicted me on all 10 counts. The judge sentenced me to 46 months and a fine of nearly one hundred thousand dollars. I’m holding out hope that I can get conviction overturned in a higher court, but it’s an uphill battle that few ever win. Until the ridiculous Miller test of obscenity is thrown onto the trash heap of judicial history, I’m afraid just about any controversial artist could be convicted of it. The laws on the books are clearly out of step with what the public has demanded, so I’m sure it is only a matter of time before the government gets out of the business of trying to enforce morality. However, in the meantime, I would encourage all of you to spread the word about this case throughout the adult and mainstream entertainment industries, as well as letting your representatives in government know how outraged you are about this gross infringement on your freedom of speech.
They are flicking the lights in here and that means it’s time to head off to our cells and be counted in for the night. But I’ll write back soon and let you know how things are going, and pass on the benefit of my experience here. Until then, stay positive and live every day as if it were your last.
Paul F. Little
Mailing Address
Paul F. Little, Federal # 44902-112
Section 5-North
Metropolitan Detention Center, Los Angeles
P.O. Box 1500
Los Angeles, CA 90053
Taking a Closer Look at the Stories Ignored by the Mainstream Media
Posted on 10:35 PM by x and filed under
free speech,
max hardcoe,
paul little,
A Letter From Prisoner #44902-112 (Paul Little aka Max Hardcore)
Greetings friends and fans,
I’m sorry that I haven’t contacted everyone before this late date, but recent extraordinary events have overwhelmed me, and rendered me incapable of anything but defensive actions. This is actually the very first opportunity that I have had to sit down and collect my thoughts in sufficient quantity and clarity to justify writing to you at all. I hope you are all in the best of health, and free to move about your world without having to ask permission to do so.
I want to assure you that physically I feel great, as I’ve made some very positive changes in my life, ridding myself of the grip that cigarettes and alcohol have had on my health and well-being. I must confess that I had little choice in the matter because I am presently incarcerated in a federal prison, but these are changes that will help me regain my health and renew my spirit and ultimately emerge from this prison a better man.
Some said it was inevitable that I should pass through here someday, because I’ve always had a problem with authorities telling me what I can and cannot do – but it still seems surreal that I’m in here not for what Paul Little did as a person, but for what the fictional character Max Hardcore did in a movie. Movies that no one was forced to watch (well, except inside a federal courthouse), movies that we as adults in this country ostensibly have the freedom to enjoy or ignore.
The authorities have finally jailed me on the incredibly vague and subjective crime of “obscenity”. Of course, the United States government took it upon itself to order and scrutinize these films despite the fact that no one in the community where I was tried had complained about them. It was clear at my trial that none of the jurors from Tampa Bay had ever seen anything like my videos, but those same people have decided what adults all over this country and, by extension, all over the world can watch in the privacy of their homes. And these films were presented to this jury not in their entirety, but in a way crafted by a judge concerned primarily by perceived “demeaning treatment” in the movies, including the use of “harsh and abusive language” as directed toward certain female actresses in a small number of my movies. Seems strange that an administration that condoned real torture would be so shocked and concerned about “demeaning treatment” and “harsh language” between consenting adult actors in a fictional film, but that’s what happened…
Amazingly, the jury went along with the whole government program, as I now know they almost always do, and convicted me on all 10 counts. The judge sentenced me to 46 months and a fine of nearly one hundred thousand dollars. I’m holding out hope that I can get conviction overturned in a higher court, but it’s an uphill battle that few ever win. Until the ridiculous Miller test of obscenity is thrown onto the trash heap of judicial history, I’m afraid just about any controversial artist could be convicted of it. The laws on the books are clearly out of step with what the public has demanded, so I’m sure it is only a matter of time before the government gets out of the business of trying to enforce morality. However, in the meantime, I would encourage all of you to spread the word about this case throughout the adult and mainstream entertainment industries, as well as letting your representatives in government know how outraged you are about this gross infringement on your freedom of speech.
They are flicking the lights in here and that means it’s time to head off to our cells and be counted in for the night. But I’ll write back soon and let you know how things are going, and pass on the benefit of my experience here. Until then, stay positive and live every day as if it were your last.
Paul F. Little
Mailing Address
Paul F. Little, Federal # 44902-112
Section 5-North
Metropolitan Detention Center, Los Angeles
P.O. Box 1500
Los Angeles, CA 90053
Taking a Closer Look at the Stories Ignored by the Mainstream Media
dear paul i am sorry as you know my name is michael paul scott calgary alberta canada.the above comment says it all.once the community thinks they can tell their neibours what they watch or read that country is doomed.we all love you paul little.jesus says hello as he loves you.
dear paul,when you were in trouble years ago for your earlier work i whorshipped you as a hero,i said as a father of four children and six grandchildren.oh my jesus this gentleman is taking on the most disgusting,depraved ,depths of depravity on the net.hardcore child pornography.you used legal,i said legal 18 and over models to act like little 10 ,11,12,13,14,15,year old cockteasers.you have saved thousands of men around the world from going over the line and dipping in to hard core child porn.you stand next to jesus paul f little.mike scott canada.
dear paul do they let you jog every day?do they let you write?do they let you read.do they let you watch baseball and hockey?paul we all love you from around the world.by the way i have rented at my legal adult video store many great piss movies,men pissing on women,women pissing on men,three chicks cupping piss off the floor and gargling it,swallowing it etc,etc,etc,just a great piss party.mike scott calgary alberta canada.
dear paul,please believe me i am not saying canada would have found you not guilty,but the great pierre elliot trudeou canadas great hippie prime minister said the state has no buisness in the bedrooms of the nation.that means no ontario film review board,these people telling us what we can read or watch,give me a break.gone.if you vice in calgary alberta ever pull films off the wall i will go to the press and bielieve me it will not be pretty.paul f little has been nailed to the cross,and jesus christ does not like it.
to all the florida jury and the judge in the max hardcore (aka paul f. little) jailing, i would like all af you morons to known who mike scott is as max hardcores biggest fan.i am 67 years old married 46 years with four children and 7 grandchildren.i adopted twin boys right out of the incubater at 20 years old knowing one of the twins would need numerous eye operations,i had a very good job with excellent health care,what do you jury do today ,wash dishes in a restaurant?now i also cared for my 15 year son and his girlfriend also 15 when she got pregnant put them through school as her mother wanted her to abort.my grandson is now 25 a mechanical engineer,making 58,000.oo a year. my son the adopted one has his own mechanical enginering company in toronto canada ,making circa 150,ooo.oo a year he is now 45 years old.my 17 year old granddaughter is now in university getting her law degree ,in grade 12 she scored 98%on her attorney exam how did you grade 6 drop out do?oh, i am sorry how did you do mike in your career.well, when i retired in 1997 i was making 120,ooo.oo per year .father of the year 1975 in my community,over 600 trophies, medals,plaques,world championships,national and international awards for masters ,middle and long distance running,track ,roads, cross country.what have you fucks ever done in your life but cry and beg christ for forgivness,you fucking lunitic morons.kiss my rebel canadian ass.
florida jurists,sorry i forgot my 44 year old daughter in toronto the mother of my 98% test scores future lawyer(defence)i hope,she makes 105,ooo.oo circa a year as a general manager.how much do you make a year ,in the that backwoods florida town?we make around 10.000.00 a year cleaning shopping centre washrooms.i can bielieve that ,you back woods,osark mountain morons.mike scott canada.
to mike scott from the florida jurists do you not believe in god?you have got to be kidding,i never missed church ,every sunday from 5 years old to 16 when i got my first car i said dad i am going to eleven oclock mass.very good my son (my father was a millionaire,with irish blood)and off i went to pick up cunt.i became an athiest at circa 8 or 9 or 10 who knowns i knew their was no god when i saw the horrors of hitler trying to whipe out the jewish race.oh yes i bielieve in jesus ,i try to live every day with jesus in my heart,i have a picture of jesus on my den wall,also the cross on my wall which i kiss the feet of jesus regularly.sorry and here is what is important jesus was human his mommy and daddy mary and joseph had sexual intercourse and produced jesus.i speak to him all the time and he says michael you are such a fine human being but you should not have had all those mistresses and escorts and high school girls in a sexual way.i know jesus i am not sorry for being with over 300 women in my life ,sorry jesus i will never feel guilty about that.michael paul scott canada.michael please try your best.ok jesus shure.
dear paul little,i can not wait until you get out as my best friend and hero,can we watch baseball and hockey on the big 60 inch tv, i will purchase it as the jury made shure you had no money left,but alas they left you with your home that you worked so hard for.you stand next to christ paul f.little and again thanks for your 20 years of fighting the hard core child porn industry .thank you paul from the bottom of my heart.my 7th grandchild is perfect paul ,she is 12 days old now,and i held her the other day for one and a half hours fed her changed her dirty diaper,kissed her,stroked her little face,you name it.whoops she is half chineese and half irish canadaian and she has a 25 year old brother.oh golly mike your dream came true since 1955.thats correct a rainbow grandchild.thanks paully.mike scott canada.
dear paul,what happened here? how did your european films get sent to florida?the usa and canada cut versions always reached their destination,always.i never say your uncut films in canada until my local adult film store owner said mike i have got maxis golden guzzler films in from a friend in europe ,would you like to rent them?of course anything to support maxi.i laughed my head off they were so funny the pissing was not offensive whatsoever.your aim was a little off target sometime,but come on lovers do this all the time.remember florida jurists many american doctors bielieve a glass a day keeps the doctor away.how about puking?give me a break millions of young girls and women around puke every day to stay skinny for the boys,to be more popular.next mike ,you sick disgusting florida jurists as always you idiots do not know your ass from a fucking star.
dear paul,your fans around the world i mean your real german fans,your sweedish fans,your holland fans ,your brazil fans,your canadain fans ,your denmark fans ,your norwegian fans,your belgium fans,you ireland fans ,your scottish fans,your welsh fans,your england fans,your russian fans,need i say more.sorry if i missed another 50 countries.max hardcore you are our hero the smart ones .we knew from the start what you were up to and jesus christ thanks you.you fought the net on hardcore child porn and we all love you thanks paul little ,thanks maxi.sorry i missed your french fans and your usa fans.mike scott canada.
dear paul,what are you doing right now 3.27 pm pacific time?mike i am writing a script for my movie that will be relesed in 2012 as i will be out of jail in 2010,and will this film be r rated or triple xxx it will be r rated good the world wants to known about your life as a human and a gonzo porn maverick.like howard stern i will tone it down a bit.good paul thats very good.paul some very high provile gents will put up the bucks for your movie and you will become a multi millionare but you must promise mike scott canada that you will give the bulk of the money to the staving children of the world.do you promise me paul?i promise you mike scott canada.thanks i love you as jesus does.
dear paul,do you get it yet?mike this is why you are my greatest friend since i was born ,the jews love you,the blacks love you,the indians love you ,the chinesse love you ,the germans love you,the sweeds ,the norwegians ,the danes ,the english,the duch,the belgians ,the brazilians,the world loves you mike .no shit rock and roll 1955.
dear mike how about 80 million dollars for your life story?sorry gentlemen if you offered me mike scott canada i trillion dollars i would say kiss my ass i want nothing but paul f littles release from jail.sorry we rebels from the fifties can never be bought bernie.sorry garth you fucked up and now you are going to jail the phantom of the opera mr.gotlieb.
dear mike scott canada your prime minister mr.stephen harper and stock day are stunned that you mike a fifties rock and roll rebel voted for us and we relgious gents say mike scott canada 1955 thanks for standing up for us late 2009 we thank you mike for another minority gov steve and stock we 50s rock and roll rebels known this for a fact you can not be bought and thats why we put you in power.do not let us down in 2009.
dear stephen harper our candadian leader 2009 september we rock and roll rebels love you thanks for your truth honesty stockwell day and steve,canada is emerging from the ression as the greatest country in the world.did your mommy die because she nedded a heart valve?no she did not we payed for her heart valve to live and jog and walk in penticton bc.thanks mike scott canada
dear paul.canada rock and roll 1955 mike scott .dear mike scott 2009 how old are you mike scott in 2009?i am 67 years old maxi.golly mike you are so forthright.no shit fuck the phony fucks of the fortys your days are over its rock and roll and love and piece and sex and no drugs .its standing side by side with the blacks ,the jews ,the chineese,the,muslims from pakistan,the russians who left their shit whole country,the serbs,the koreans,the nam sluts,all of you said canada is christs country ,so please do not ever knock our weather.
dear mike, thank you this jail does not suit me.we, your fans know this, its bullshit,its called persecution and we are not standing for it, so its going up a notch.what do you mean mike scott canada?just watch florida jurists shit movies are not enough for you idiots to let maxi out this is ok with you?well check this out on the net little legal 18 year old girls sucking pony cock is this what you want florida jurists well this is what you are going to get.its legal you backwoods florida idiots its legal in some countrys of the world and the films get into the usa.sorry fuckups release paul little from jail now and we might back off.
dear paul one of my many chicks,as you known i used to be a womanizer for 60 years but i stopped cica 6 years ago.this one beautifull chick in point roberts usa said in the last 24 hours marry me as soon as possible.i returned her text saying in six seconds as soon as your divorce goes through.as my best friend thanks for your approval.we all love you paully.
dear paul was i right on the respect you get in jail do they all look up to you for your stance on usa freedom of speech because the gents in your jail are not hardened criminals rapists ,murders ,etc.so what are they doing to thank you.slipping you steak dinners,etc.what is going on in their?mike scott canada.
dear paul i am so sorry america jailed you. i am not sorry for my next statement.in the year 1955 when i was 12 years old i could not believe the blacks of america could not drink from the same water fountain as whites i am talking about the south the very uneducated america the trailer trash.rosa parks was one of my heroes .what is wrong in america 2009 they still pull the blacks over on any street if they have done well and half a big car it makes me sick paul,they jail you for making legal adult films,they cuff harvard proffs because he was black.please paul forgive me but america has become a third world country ,you hang humans in 2009,gays can still not get married ,what is wrong paul?what is wrong?mike we love all you canadians,i known that paul but again i ask you what is wrong?mike what do you think of america 2009?paul i say this america has become one of the worst countrys in the world ,they are scared shitless of osama,scared shitless of their neibours,scared shitless of every day life.they feel they can have 6 cars in the driveway,10 12 credit cards ,if a friends mommy needs a heart valve to survive and she has no health insurance fuck her let her die .it makes me puke.america you can kiss my canadian ass and even if you beg us for our water,our oil,our nice big trees,all you fucking chicken shit americans can do is hire that new ballon and spy on our borders,well fuck you its almost time for us canadians to say shane.the last 10 mins,turn up the volume and watch and listen.thats correct you are dead if you ever try to invade canada.its not funny america laugh if you wish but we canucks will kick your ass anyday as i mike scott beat every american masters runner over a 25 year span.you have no heart ,no balls .just mike, my leg hurts i am not in top shape.thanks you stupid fuck your doomed you whimp.guess who won the race?mike scott canada.
dear paul little america we all love you ,what balls, what honour,what integrity,what honesty,what a fine human you are paul,i personally love you from the bottom of my heart as my all time best friend.you looked so good in that blue suit as you showed the american people respect.golly paul when you get out can i race you in your chevy vet.shure mike what do you drive?a 1956 ford vicky with walker glass pack mufflers and i will clean your clock in the quarter mile.mike scott canada.
dear paul,do you known how much fun it is to play pony ride,or piggy back ride and have teckno music playing in the background.well i will tell you its mind boggling especially piggy back ridden around the merry go round.mike scott canada.
dear paul as they said to me when i was in the navy reserves as a kid wakie,wakie,wakie,rise and shine,youv had yours now ill have mine.are you awake yet?mike its only 4.30 am in this shithole prison.as that lunitic daniel carver says wake up white people.bang bang danny if you come to my city danny boy.paul what do you do every day.they should ask you to contribute your time to something as we your fans know you are a genious.i would bet your iQ is higher than obamas and his is so high.as your biggest fan and a canadian who can i write to in america to protest your jailing.
dear paul,just like i said in 1965 66 67 gentlemen you want a job, a home, food,you have got it in canada i understand this is a stop gap job i understand fully.thanks american draft dodgers,thanks for becoming canadians ,doctors lawyers ceos you all love canada dont you.yes mike we remember guys like you who hired us so we could survive.thanks america for letting these wonderfull draft dodgers become canadaian.rock and roll.
dear steve if you reneg on leaving afganistan in 2010,i know its 2011 i will never ever vote for you again i wish canada would leave today now but the un would cry as they know canada is the only country in the world who had troops dying daily and then along came america as usual to clean up the mess.thanks america.mike scott loves you.canada loves 60 %of americans.
osama ,if you get to pushy its over sorry,canada and the usa will push the pin.we will get out of your shit hole country soon and its up to you.you win as i always knew you would you college boy hippie.we will get out ,but never ever ever forget rock and roll .what do mean mike canada, heroshima osama and i do not want that.you will loose osama.2009.mike scott canada.
wow ,mike thats it then.yes thats it.jasmine my granddaughter we did not have to pull the pin and you are free to live the life of free canadaians and americans.oh golly grandpa you were willing to die for my generation 2009 i am now 14 days old .thats correct i love you jasmine.rock and roll 1955.
dear sean penn thanks for taking over 2009,we fifties rock and roll rebels will never ever be tired from standing up on the spot.againts raceism ,biggotry ,teasing ,taunting and bulling thanks sean penn.
do i see tears in canada ?yes we do mike scott stock day loves you and he will see to it that brian muulllpays his taxes.thanks stock.on the full amount stock ?yes mike on the full amount.
dear stephen harper and stock day you will win again in the fall of canada thanks we love you so much why are you crying .mike scott in 1955 said be honest, ethical,kind ,considerate ,loving gentle and stand up for the minoritys like you steve and stock.you will win again and thanks for not trying to instill your views on us.stock thanks for spending every hour of your life in protecting my grandchilden,mike scott canada
the state has no buisness in the bedroom of the nation ,the great pierre elliot trudeau canada 1965 prime minister of canada a hippie.sorry you florida backwoods american loosers maxi will be out soon.if not its shit movies in every bedroom of the nation.usa not canada .if we canuks want shit movies we can get them .its easy from europe.not america.
dear paul these young fucks today 2009 the 13 to 25 year year old crowd who think banging 3 chicks a week is big time christ i was banging 3 chicks in one day in the year 1959 through 1962.the young fucks today are so full of bullshit its unbelievable.i must admit i am impressed by the 10 11 12 13 year old girls dancing nearly nude on u tube these little fucks are hot hot hot as a 67 year old rock and roller from the 50s keep it up girls you are so cute.shake that little ass.i respect you little cunts you have no guilt or shame. thats good jesus loves you.u tube is good so good florida jurists ,you fucked up real bad.release paul little now or it will get legal younger.mike scott canada.
dear florida jurists ,do you get it yet?release paul little now.ok hows this more danceing girls on u tube,golly your such a good dancer,shake it,golly you are cute little girl how old are you?i am 6 mr.scott.ok show me what youve got,never worry sweetie mike scott and his fifties rebels will always take care of you and never ever hurt you.we know that mr.scott we love you .its the florida jurists we are afraid of history proves the reliogous fanatics are so sick they rape young girls and older women daily in the name of religion.
dear paul sorry you bought a chevy as you can see the ford ,the henrey ford ,the car for the masses won every race since i was a teener 1955 ,my ford 1956 victoria beat the shit out of the chevys and lets fast forward to the year 2009.ford made a profit,ford in canada 2009 we will only buy ford,canada ford made a profit.get it you american lossers and canuck lossers we all paid for gm and i am pissed off ,only buy ford america like canada 2009.we see whats going on in the usa buy ford only in 2009 like we canucks .go ahead take mike scott canada on in a drag and guess who won over and over agaian mike scott canada a ford lover for 60 years.
dear mike john millner loves you as a human mike.why john?,was it when it came to the cock teasers like that little slut,mackenzie ,i dug this sweet slut she just wanted a good time and she was lucky she jumped in your car as you were a fine teenage gentlemen ,you protected her and mike scott canada loves you for that big john ,we gents from the fifties are rebelling right now for max hardcore (aka max hardcore).
Dude, who are you? Why so many comments?
dude,if you get my message please comment.michael paul scott calgary alberta canada.
Dude, I understand your point. Max was imprisoned on a bullshit charge. We, as adults should be able to watch and do what we like as long as it doesn't intrude on anybody's rights. Actually, I enjoy your commenting. I've coming to this site for awhile and I've noticed they haven't updated in like 2 weeks. Keep commenting....your rants are refreshing.
The Dude
dear dude,i love you as a human being,mike scott canada.thanks for your love.maxi and mikey love you.thanks dude.
dear sparrowgirly666,thank you from the bottom of my heart,you are the first person on u tube to catch on to max hardcores purpose in life other than mike scott canada who reeled in his bed ,i put my hand over my mouth in 1994 0r 1995 who knows who cares,i said oh my jesus this gentlemen is an american hero.he took on the must depraved,the most sick,disgusting,upcoming problem on the world wide internet,hardcore child porography.fast foward to the year 2009 now its a multi billion dollar industry hard core child porn and max hardcore (aka paul little)has been fighting it tooth and nail since 1990.thanks sparrowgirly,now lets rock loud for maxi.mike scott canada.max hardcore kissing paisley hunter utube.
to mr.sirkin we will never ever ever let it happen again ever mike scott canada 2009.rock and roll.thanks for your efforts.little joe,shane.piece paul little.golly this cross is heavy.maxi let me carry it your fans of the world.no sorry i must bear the burden.
dear mike scott why has their not been more killed since 1945?its simple me and my friends from the fifties and sixties canada the usa will stand up on the spot when they are teased taunted and bullied.try me,try me.james brown ,paul f little.bob dylon,dr.henry morgantaller.howard stern,bill mayer,lenny bruce,little richard,chuck berry,if you ever kkk or white supremists in canada ever show your face in calgary again i will kill you.mike scott 67 years old calgary.
dear kkk and white supremists groups of canada if you ever come to calgary alberta again and i know beforehand i will kill all of you with my navy fn gun.mike scott calgary .
dear sparrowgirly666 53 mins ago i love you so much thank you golly you are smart and cute as well.are you willing to go all the way for the little children of the world who are being raped and put on the net?yes mike scott canada i am ,good girl now piggy back rides,pony rides is that ok with you?yes mike anything you say.good.
dear mikey we caught on we are doing your work as best we can.remember daaddys and mommys we have a job to do.shake it little girls.
dear paul,sorry.mike scott calgary.its over.2012 is the date.sorry.vegas or van or boston.you name it.
paul, another bishop nailed in canada.we love you paul.did you see it in america.this is one sick fuck.just over 2 years and paridise.my best friend will be in paridise.oct 1st 2009.
wow paul they moved you.where lompoc?i sent my letter to your lawyer in cinci to make sure it got to you.mike scott
mike i got your letter.
Porn between consenting adults is a safe sexual outlet which harms noone.The government and the religions only want MORE unwanted pregnancies to fill the monetary void in their budgets. CITIZENS=$$$$$$$....And that's the truth!
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