Dr. Orly Taitz' Federal Lawsuits Exposed to the "Flu Pandemic"


The Obama citizenship-eligibility lawsuits filed by Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS in the U.S. Supreme Court have suddenly become stricken by the bird/swine/human flu "pandemic."

Taitz recently released a facsimile of Obama's alleged Kenyan "Certified Copy of Registration of Life Birth" to WorldNetDaily.

WND's article, "Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?," (http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=105764#, August 2, 2009) shows three photographic representations of the birth document. The document, itself, is obviously fraudulent, though Taitz claims to have filed a motion in U.S. District Court to determine its authenticity. The source of the document and how it was obtained by Dr. Taitz was not disclosed, though it was implied that its sender, a Kenyan citizen, "feared for his life."

Taitz, a practicing dentist, attorney, and licensed real estate agent who lives in Southern California's posh, coastline community, Mission Viejo, has filed numerous lawsuits and legal motions on behalf of former U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes (and others) demanding proof of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.'s (aka Barry Soetoro, et al) citizenship eligibility to serve as president of the United States. Taitz recently published 'proof' that she had standing to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court and claims to have "met personally" with Chief Justice John Roberts.

On recent radio shows across the U.S., Taitz disclosed "death threats" and "attempts on her life and that of her husband," Yosef Taitz, alluding to "tampering with critical systems" on the couple's automobiles. Taitz has also given numerous accounts of Internet blog-site attacks and other such types of interference.

Yosef Taitz is the self-described "CEO" of Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc., a private software company located in Mission Viejo, CA, Santa Fe, NM, and Cambridge, England. DCIS, Inc. is intimately involved with Novartis Pharmaceuticals (United States, Switzerland, Germany, France, England), the patent holder of the bird/swine flu vaccination. The "DayCart" software produced by DCIS, Inc. integrates ongoing research and development by Novartis and others using proprietary Oracle 8i technologies.

The following Internet posting reveals Yosef Taitz' relationship with Novartis Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of the H1N1 (Influenza A) vaccine:

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Taking a Closer Look at the Stories Ignored by the Mainstream Media
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