CBS' Harry Smith Says He Might Have Swine Flu - H1N1
In an interview live from his New York City apartment Monday, Smith told CBS viewers he started feeling achy and feverish over the weekend after a 25-mile bike ride in the rain and dancing all night at a birthday party.
"Early Show" medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton said Smith could be right because his symptoms are associated with swine flu. She praised him for staying home and out of circulation.
Dr. Ashton, who was in the studio Monday morning, along with Maggie Rodriguez, told Smith that he had done the right thing for staying home, and protecting his co-workers.
Ashton said most swine flu cases are mild. She predicted Smith will be back on the "Early Show" couch in a couple of days.
The nation's first round of swine flu shots could begin sooner than expected, with some vaccine available as early as the first week of October, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Sunday.
According to the CDC, there is flu activity in all 50 states and 98 percent of the viruses going around the country right now are the H1N1 virus.
Symptoms of swine flu can include fever, cough, congestion, aches, chills, diarrhea and vomiting.
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